LUCAS® 3 Chest Compression System, v3.1 Connectivity Guide


STEP 1: LIFENET User Account
The e-mail address associated with the LUCAS Device Administrator provided with the LUCAS device purchase will receive a User Account e-mail from the LIFENET System.

STEP 2: Defining LUCAS Device Setup Options
Your LUCAS device is delivered with factory default settings.* 

STEP 3: Configuring the LUCAS device for Wi-Fi®
The LUCAS device has active Bluetooth® as the factory default. A few steps are required to configure and enable LUCAS Wi-Fi.

STEP 4: LUCAS Post-Event Report
After each LUCAS use where a compression was delivered, the LUCAS device can transmit data to LIFENET and create a LUCAS device Post-Event Report. 

STEP 5: LIFENET Asset notifications
LIFENET connectivity allows for great asset insight and management of your LUCAS device.

Click the link below for the full guide.

LUCAS_3-v3.1_Connectivity_Guide_EN.pdf (